Sunday, 26 February 2012

Book Week: Thursday 23rd February 2012

On Thursday Sarah Webb visited our school and spoke to fifth and sixth classes. Sarah's books include:Kids Can Cook
Kids Can Cook Around the World
Children’s Parties
Eason Guide to Children’s Books
Mad About Books: The Dubray Guide to Children’s Books
Ask Amy Green: Boy Trouble
Ask Amy Green: Summer Secrets
Ask Amy Green: Bridesmaid Blitz
Emma the Penguin (for early readers)
Ask Amy Green: Love and Other Drama-Ramas

Sarah spent time telling us about her childhood and showed us clothes,photos,  a teddy and school copies from when she was young. She told us how she started writing. She spoke about her ideas for her stories and the processes involved in writing a novel.
She gave Leah from room 13 a t-shirt as Leah got in touch with her and invited her to come to the school. Kellie in our class also got a t-shirt from Sarah because she loved the Eiffel Tower Kellie made. Kellie made the Eiffel tower as part of the model competition for book week. Sarah's book 'Ask Amy Green: Bridesmaid Blitz' is set in Paris.
Sarah spent time answering questions and signing books and bookmarks. We all enjoyed her visit! Thank you Sarah!
Sarah showing us her clothes from when she was a baby.

Sarah introduced us to her childhood teddy 'Panda Bear'

Sarah showing us her books.

Kellie receiving her t-shirt.

Sarah signing books for the children.

Book Week: Friday 24th February 2012

Friday was dress up as book character day!